One of the benefits of living simply, is being able to easily vacate our home. We can clear out our personal belongings within 15 minutes - and therefore easily rent it while we're gone.
This first time required a bit of preparation before leaving:
- Creating labels for the various in's & out's of our 1920's home (e.g., "Do not spin" the bubble chair - or it may detach).
- Writing a "Zero Waste Home Operating Guide" to let our renters know about our lifestyle - and to give them some easy to try tips.
- Reinstalling the trash/recycling cans for the multiple renters (Ugghhh!!! I am hoping they will be inspired to start this journey as well...)
Importantly for me, for the first time, I will also be able to test "la vie sans dechets" in Provence! (Note: We usually stay at my mom's for the whole period - so usually it is not possible to go Zero Waste.) With the five cloth bags that I brought from the US, plus the 2 totes, jars (6 x 1 liter, 6 x 350ml) and car that my mom is lending me, I am ready to go and excited to discover new "eco" ways.
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be chronicling our Zero Waste experience through Twitter. Make sure to follow me or come here often to view my tweets (in the bar to the right), many include pictures! (I will look into posting these on FaceBook as well).