People often ask me what the differences are between France and the US in terms of Zero Waste.
Both countries have pros and cons, but I am of an optimistic nature, so I'll focus on the pros: Great bulk can be found in the US, at the grocery store (including liquids such as castile soap, conditioner, and cooking oil); in France, at the Farmer's market.
This summer, I had the opportunity to make a quick stop in the town of Mirepoix and visit its farmer's market: The ambiance, the colors, the smells... mmm ... were amazing and the selection dreamy. I could not resist sharing this experience with you!
Pour le plaisir des yeux...
Salami |
Condiments |
Including marinated anchovies (my fave) |
Plastic-free cheese |
Nuts |
Dried Fruit |
Vanilla beans |
Tea |
Alum stones |
Even Khol powder! |
And only a block away, a small shop selling bulk wine |
Disclaimer: This series is not about making you feel bad if bulk is lacking in your town. This series simply aims to share the great alternatives that I encounter throughout my personal journey, shatter preconceptions that Zero Waste is messy and unattractive, provide visual evidence that Zero Waste is beautiful, and prove that Zero Waste is possible! Overtime, I hope to compile a fantasy photo album of a Zero Waste economy, and to inspire manufacturers and retailers to adopt waste-free alternatives... they're so much prettier!